Sunday 8 November 2015

Happy Diwali!

During Weeks 4 and 5 we are learning all about Diwali. Room 1A has been fascinated to discover everything that is involved in celebrating Diwali. We have enjoyed listening to the exciting tale of Rama and Sita, colouring rangoli patterns, watching videos of the thousands of twinkling 'Diya' that light up the streets during Diwali and modelling some traditional silk sari. We made rangoli pattern biscuits on Friday and some brave students even sampled some samosa and bhaji which are traditional Indian snacks.  This week we will be comparing Diwali to celebrations that we take part in and making some Diwali related crafts.

1 comment:

  1. All Isaac seems to talk about at the moment is rangoli patterns. They look pretty cool Room 1A.


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