Thursday, 27 October 2016

'Let it Grow, Let if Grow'

Ruma Kotare hosted assembly today along with a Year 3 and 4 class, Ruma Kokako. Our assembly theme was 'The Lorax.' The Lorax wanted to let the trees grow. His special message to us was to look after the beautiful environment that we have. Together with our Ruma Kokako, we made a music video to the song Let it Grow from The Lorax movie! You can watch it here...

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Growing our learning in Ruma Miromiro

Our Inquiry topic this term is 'Growing'.  Ruma Miromiro have been discovering what plants
need to grow up healthy and strong and using what we have learnt to grow our plants into some yummy vegetables and beautiful flowers. This week we also read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and designed some ladders, planes and parachutes to help Jack get down from the top of the beanstalk safely.  


Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Olympics by Milly


Olympics  is when  people  from all over the world come and do sports. At the opening ceremony each team that    took part in it was in the opening ceremony. There were bikes full of plants. There are either a boy or girl walking with the person that has the flag. It was cool.

From Milly

Fiji Fun Day By Cooper

Fiji Fun Day

Once me and Mum  went  to Fiji for seven days. I saw lily pads. Even I saw frogs on the small, big, little and huge lily pads. Me and Mum took photos of going speed boating. Me and Craig went into our hotel. I got a necklace with a black turtle on the necklace. Even my Mum got me a green and white one. It was cool.

From Cooper Woolnough
The End.

My Dad By Kees

My Dad

My Dad he watches TV. My dad is tall. My dad has curly hair. Dad’s name is Jason Taniela. My dad plays monopoly. Then we have lunch. After the board game me and sister and my dad go to the pools in the city. Me and my dad have pizza for lunch. The flavours were cheese and meat lovers. We had some potato fries. The pizza came from Dominos Porirua by North City Shopping Centre. My Dad has brown eyes. Me and my Dad watch movies on my Dad’s PS3 from Sony company that made the PS3 or PS4. My Dad plays Fifa 15 on the PS3.

By Kees        

Cheetahs By Jason


A cheetah can creep
A cheetah can run with fast furry feet,
A cheetah can bite,
A cheetah roars loudly,
A cheetah is the fastest animal!

By Jason

Space By Zoe


The sun is hot like fire. The sun keeps Earth warm so we survive. If we didn't have a sun, snow would be everywhere and people from the other side of the world would freeze because it would be so cold.

Mars has some of the tallest volcanoes in the world! All the stars and other planets stay up in space because there's no gravity but there is gravity on Earth.

In a few weeks or something like that, the Korimako class is going to study space and we may even go to Te Papa as a class trip.

We made colourful shadows with colourful see-through counters. This is how it works: the counter is see-through and lets the Sun’s light shine through the counter and if your counter is green, the shadow would be green; if your counter is red, the shadow would be red. That kind of thing. We read a book called “the Sun. It was all about space.

I love learning about space. My Daddy even teaches me before before school, after school and when I'm having breakfast. Did you know that Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system? Did you know that there are billions of planets to discover?

by Zoë!

Dick Joyce By Tim

Dick Joyce

A person came here. His name is Dick Joyce.  He trained for ages. He won  the first gold medal for rowing. I am glad he won a gold medal. I liked the oar too.

By Tim

My Dad By Makayla

My Dad

My Dad has a black beard. He has blue eyes. His hair is black in the middle of his hair. There is a circle. In that  circle there is just a bald bit.

My Dad gives me a lot of hugs. My Dad loves me with all his heart. I love my dad with all my heart.

My Dad has two cats. One  cat is black and the other one has some black and white stripes. The one with the stripes is a boy and it’s name  is Chubby and the black one is a girl and her name is Furby.

My Dad is my hero because he cares about me and he has a lot of fun with me. My Dad loves to tickle me and loves to play with me. My Dad sometimes takes me to the lagoon at Aotea. He takes me to swimming lessons. My Dad works at WW Wellington Scaffolding. He loves to take me to the malls.

Every single morning my Dad sees Furby in the tree and we like to say, “What are you doing in the tree Furby?”, when we are going to Before School Care.

My Dad is picking me up after the holidays and he’s taking me to a special place. He’s taking me to my Granny and Poppa.

I love my Dad.

By Makayla

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Olympian Basketballer By Ahi

Olympian Basketballer

Today a Olympian told us about basketball. He was funny. I laughed and laughed and it was in the hall. His name was Paora Winitana. He told us about basketball training. When I am older I am going to play basketball.
By Ahi

Riley's Story

Riley’s Story

We saw Paora Winitana at the hall at eleven o'clock this morning. He told us about his job. His job is to play basketball. Paora played for New Zealand. He went to the Olympics.
By Riley

Salt Dough By Floyd

Salt  dough

Today I did salt dough. First we put a cup of salt in a bowl. Second we put two cups of flour in and mixed it together. Third we put a cup of water in the smiggle cup and tipped it in the bowl. We measured the salt. Then we measured the flour.  We put all of the ingredients into the big bowl. I got to mix the ingredients together. I made a big joker that was on a movie and I copied it. When I was finished I put it on a tray. I was happy after that because I did a good job.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Jason's Personal Learning Journey about Charon and Pluto

WHY IS CHARON A  DWARF PLANET?pluto-planet-profile-150721a-02.jpg

What I found out:

It might a bit big for a moon. Charon’s lumpy body can be hit by asteroids. When Pluto was discovered on the 18th of February 1930 by an American Astronomer named Clyde Tombaugh it became the ninth planet, but it was by far the smallest.

Since 2006, Pluto has been classified as a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

There are icy planets around Pluto. Pluto has a red spot. Charon orbits around Pluto. It is Pluto’s biggest moon.


By Jason
Photo Credits: and

Samuel's Personal Learning Journey about Dwarf Planets

Pluto, Sedna, Haumea, Makemake, Eris and Ceres

What I found out…

Pluto has an atmosphere with nitrogen and methane. It is the second largest dwarf planet and it has 5 moons. It is one third water in the form of ice. A year on Pluto is 248 years. Pluto is the brightest object in the Kuiper belt.  The Kuiper belt is beyond Neptune and Sedna (a dwarf planet in the Oort cloud).

Sedna is the second smallest dwarf planet. Sedna lives in our solar system of course. Sedna lives in the oort cloud and takes 1,500 earth years to orbit the sun.
Haumea has two moons or daughters and both were discovered in 2005. They are named Hi’iaka and Namaka. Namaka was discovered on the fourteenth of November 2005. One of Haumea’s daughters Hi’iaka was discovered on the eighteenth of April 2005. There is a large red spot on Haumea’s surface which may be an impact crater!

Makemake is the third largest dwarf planet.  It orbits outside Neptune which means it is a Plutoid.  It is the second brightest object in the Kuiper belt.  It has an official new moon called MK2.  MK2 is very hard to see in the Kuiper belt. Makemake is unusual because it is a reddish brown colour and it has ethane, methane and nitrogen ice on its surface.  

Eris is the largest dwarf planet.  It is found at the end of the Kuiper belt. It has one moon called Dysmonia, this means lawlessness.


Ceres is the smallest identified dwarf planet in our solar system.  It is the only dwarf planet in the asteroid belt.  The asteroid belt is between Mars and Jupiter.   Ceres used to be called an asteroid.  Ceres has an ice mantle.


By Samuel Sutton     

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man! Baking real gingerbread men

Ruma Kotare and Ruma Miromiro have been busy learning about measurement. We have been looking at how long and short things are and how heavy or light they are. You will have already seen and read about Ruma Miromiro using their measurement and teamwork skills to build some fantastic bridges for their gingerbread men. In Ruma Kotare, we created gingerbread men, measured and made clothes for them and compared them to objects in our classroom that were bigger or smaller. We had all been so busy doing gingerbread men activities, there was was only one thing left to do...make real gingerbread men!! Ruma Kotare and Ruma Miromiro joined together for discovery time and created some tasty gingerbread men using ALL of our measuring skills. Luckily for us they didn't run out of the oven, so we got to taste them - YUM!

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Building a Bridge for the Gingerbread Man!

Ruma Miromiro are working on building a sense of 'Hapori' or 'Community' in our class through sharing and working together with our classmates. As part of this learning we decided to put our hard hats on and get to work on a problem of fairytale proportions....
The Gingerbread Man asked us for our help, he needs to cross the river but after what happened last time with that pesky fox he's not taking any chances! We worked in teams to build him a bridge that would get him safely across the river and prevent him from becoming afternoon tea! Mrs Pupuke was super impressed with how every single team completed the activity - we all worked together to come up with different solutions to the problem and the Gingerbread Man will live to see another day!

Friday, 12 August 2016

Gold and Bronze for Ruma Miromiro!

Ruma Miromiro took home some medals of their own this week in the 'Maths Week Olympics'. We competed against the other classes in the school to answer questions like: How long can Matua Bryce juggle for without dropping the balls? and: How long will it take Caroline to eat three lemons? Despite being the youngest students in the school we won a gold medal and a bronze medal. Isaac proudly accepted the medals for Ruma Miromiro during assembly yesterday, Ka pai Ruma Miromiro!

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Isaac's Space Topic

How is an asteroid belt made?
What I found out:

The sun has a belt of rocks called asteroids. Asteroids and meteoroids are space rocks and can be metal too. More than 4000 meteors and asteroids have been discovered and named. Asteroids move with the planets. They orbit the sun. Asteroids have craters on them. Comets can turn into asteroids. If asteroids hit each other they can
orbit. They can also make craters. They can make big damage to planets if they hit them since they’re going very fast. Meteors can be as small as a grain of sand or up to a kilometre or more across. Meteoroids are smaller than asteroids.

Kees' Space Topic

Why does  Neptune have storms?

What I found out:

Triton has gas geysers so gas comes out the big meteor hole. Triton is Neptune’s biggest moon. Neptune has gas rings. Neptune has really fast winds that blow all the time. They are the fastest winds of any planet. Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun and it’s not that hot. Neptune is made of rock and ice. Neptune is a dead world because there are a lot of storms and it’s so dangerous. Neptune has gas rings.planet-neptune-full-864302.jpg


By Kees
Photo credits:

Friday, 6 May 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Ruma Miromiro (1A) wanted to make something for their mums to say thank you for being amazing every day. We combined our cutting, colouring and decorating skills to construct some beautiful butterflies with a yummy treat inside. We hope our lovely mums enjoy their presents :)

Thursday, 5 May 2016

A Fabulicious Afternoon in Ruma Miromiro

Reuben has been enjoying reading and listening to 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by Roald Dahl at home and decided to try out some of Mr Wonka's wonderful recipes for himself! Reuben was kind enough to share his creation (Fabulicious Sherbert Fizz) with the rest of Ruma Miromiro and we were happy to be the guinea pigs! Yum!

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Wild Weather!

Today Paremata School had to close because the rain was so heavy it caused water to flood all over the ground. The water was knee high in some places! Here are responses to the flooding from children in Korimako.

It's really slippery and deep. The rain is booming with thunder. There's going to be water everywhere.
I wonder how we're going to get home in the terrible rain? If little brother or sisters were here they'd like to play with their bath toys in the rain. The rubbish bin looks so little.
It's so deep that we can't get around the school. The school is so flooded that it looks like it's the sea. Maybe the cars might flood. Some people have seen the flood so big. It's hard to get home. I haven't seen it before.
The rain is so deep that some people have trouble walking around. People have to walk in their bare feet and not wear their shoes. Maybe you will have to take your shoes off to walk. The rain feels like hail. Trains might get stuck in the water. It's super-duper deep.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Stockcars by Makayla

On Saturday I went to stock cars and my mum reckons she nearly won. My dad drives the big water tank.  He had to wet the track three times. I got to go in the tank. I asked  kids if they want to come on it. I got to go in the jeep. I had fun. You would like  it if you go in it . I got to go on my mum's car. We went into the track. 

Monday, 11 April 2016

Rhythm Interactive by Zoe

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Run,Jump Throw by Ahi

Today we did run jump throw. I  liked  the egg and spoon  race. 


I'm Going Away on Holiday by Megan

In the weekend I went to Auckland and me and Mum and Dad went on a scary ride. It was high, super high and higher and higher and then boof! IT WENT FAST!        

Camouflage by Emily

This penguin has dark blue on its  back. A seal is hunting the penguin. He follows the penguin but then he gets lost. He decides to swim up. But all he could see is darkness.  He decides to swim down. But all he could see was lightness.

Tiger Movie by Maddy

We  watched a  movie Tiger.   The monkey  didn't want  the tigers under his tree.

Paremata Kindy by Ava

Today  we  walked  all  the  way  to  the  cool  kindy  to  visit.  It  was  fun.  I  had  fun  going  to visit.  I  liked  playing  dress ups  with  Megan  and  Isla.  I  also  liked  reading  the  movie  about  Chewy.  The  kindy  was  called  Paremata   Kindy.  I  liked  playing  with  Kees  because  he  plays   with   me.  I   like  Paremata   Kindy.   

by  Ava 

Stewart Island by Sam

I went to Stewart Island and we took a special boat called a stewart and there was a special slide called a parachute slide which took us down and it was fun and I nearly bounced off like an aeroplane.

Run Jump Throw Day by Isla

Today  I was doing Run Jump Throw day and it   was fun. Then I was racing my  team in my group. Then the big children were carrying us when we were doing our race. Then I had to jump over the skipping rope with Ms Burn and that was fun again with Ms Burn.


I Remember When by Milly

I  remember when I went to Hanmer Springs. I went in the pools. Then  I left. I stayed there for two  days. I miss Sophie and Logan And Brent. Brent is deaf. I have to sign to him. Sometimes I can‘t sign  because  I ‘m  just  learning  Someone is maybe going to come into my house. Sign  language  is interesting to learn and fun.

At The Kindy by Riley

I played in the kindy.   I was in the car with Zach and Timothy at the kindy.


Thursday, 31 March 2016

Imagine that...

Late last year the Gunston whanau donated some 'Imagination Playground' blocks to Paremata School in memory of their daughter Kirsty (Miss Gunston) who was a much loved teacher in the Pohutakawa Syndicate. The new Pohutakawa students have enjoyed working together at Discovery Time to construct all sorts of weird, wild and wonderful creations. Can you spot the castle, flowers and racing track?

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Our Korimako

Last week the children in Korimako made some beautiful mixed media korimako birds. Here is how it was done.

First they worked in pairs to decorate one side each of their bird using pastel and dye. Then each student dyed their korimako using green dye. I stapled around the edges for them, then they stuffed the korimako with screwed up newspaper.

The following Friday the Korimako kids made tails from cardboard and by using re-purposed wall borders, feathers and other found objects. Each tail pair was stapled together then stapled to the body.

Finally, when our buddy class, Kakapo, visited in the afternoon, each big buddy helped their younger buddy to form a foot from half a yellow pipe cleaner. They created and attached a leg and Voila! the korimako was complete.

After school our tall friend Steve came in and hung the korimako from the classroom ceiling. Please drop in to see these fabulous works of art produced by our class of six year olds. Well done Korimako!

By Caroline