First they worked in pairs to decorate one side each of their bird using pastel and dye. Then each student dyed their korimako using green dye. I stapled around the edges for them, then they stuffed the korimako with screwed up newspaper.
The following Friday the Korimako kids made tails from cardboard and by using re-purposed wall borders, feathers and other found objects. Each tail pair was stapled together then stapled to the body.
Finally, when our buddy class, Kakapo, visited in the afternoon, each big buddy helped their younger buddy to form a foot from half a yellow pipe cleaner. They created and attached a leg and Voila! the korimako was complete.
After school our tall friend Steve came in and hung the korimako from the classroom ceiling. Please drop in to see these fabulous works of art produced by our class of six year olds. Well done Korimako!
By Caroline

Nice birds guys really creative and cool :)