Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Space By Zoe


The sun is hot like fire. The sun keeps Earth warm so we survive. If we didn't have a sun, snow would be everywhere and people from the other side of the world would freeze because it would be so cold.

Mars has some of the tallest volcanoes in the world! All the stars and other planets stay up in space because there's no gravity but there is gravity on Earth.

In a few weeks or something like that, the Korimako class is going to study space and we may even go to Te Papa as a class trip.

We made colourful shadows with colourful see-through counters. This is how it works: the counter is see-through and lets the Sun’s light shine through the counter and if your counter is green, the shadow would be green; if your counter is red, the shadow would be red. That kind of thing. We read a book called “the Sun. It was all about space.

I love learning about space. My Daddy even teaches me before before school, after school and when I'm having breakfast. Did you know that Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system? Did you know that there are billions of planets to discover?

by Zoë!

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