Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Isaac's Space Topic

How is an asteroid belt made?
What I found out:

The sun has a belt of rocks called asteroids. Asteroids and meteoroids are space rocks and can be metal too. More than 4000 meteors and asteroids have been discovered and named. Asteroids move with the planets. They orbit the sun. Asteroids have craters on them. Comets can turn into asteroids. If asteroids hit each other they can
orbit. They can also make craters. They can make big damage to planets if they hit them since they’re going very fast. Meteors can be as small as a grain of sand or up to a kilometre or more across. Meteoroids are smaller than asteroids.

Kees' Space Topic

Why does  Neptune have storms?

What I found out:

Triton has gas geysers so gas comes out the big meteor hole. Triton is Neptune’s biggest moon. Neptune has gas rings. Neptune has really fast winds that blow all the time. They are the fastest winds of any planet. Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun and it’s not that hot. Neptune is made of rock and ice. Neptune is a dead world because there are a lot of storms and it’s so dangerous. Neptune has gas rings.planet-neptune-full-864302.jpg


By Kees
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