Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Stormy Fun

 The weather hasn't been so great over the last few weeks but on Friday we decided to make storms fun! We used water, shaving cream and food colouring to make 'Storms in a Cup'. We loved squirting the thick, puffy shaving foam and watching the food colouring swirl through the water. Today we wrote some instructions so you can try this at home too!

How to make a 'Storm in a Cup' by Room 1A

Shaving Foam
Food Colouring

1. First fill half a cup with water.
2. Next squirt in some shaving foam.
3. After that put a table spoon of blue food colouring on top of the shaving foam.
4. Last watch the food colouring drip through the foam and swirl around in the water like a storm.

A Very Hungry Caterpillar...

Room 1A will be learning all about Minibeasts during Term 2.
Before we start a topic it's always good to talk about what we already know and it turns out we are EXPERTS on caterpillars. Last term we were lucky enough to be given two Swan Plants and some VERY hungry caterpillars. We have enjoyed watching them crunch and munch through the plants, make their own chrysalis and finally turn into beautiful butterflies, We are looking forward to learning more about other minibeasts this term and sharing our knowledge with the other classes in the Junior Syndicate.